What we learned in Belize
Planning our Yoga Professionals Retreat
By Emily Pen Dailey & Denver Clark
It is back to reality today as we leave Sattva Land and head for home. To say we enjoyed our time there really doesn’t encompass all our emotions. Last night, we sat on the porch swing of our hotel in Belize City, looking out over the water and chatting about our thoughts. While everything is fresh in our minds, we want to share them with all of you.
Easy Breezy Belizey
It is easier to get to Belize than Denver originally expected. In the logistic sense, flights were quick, the airport arrival process is easy (you can read more about the airport arrival process here), and driving the 1.5 hours from Belize City to Sattva Land in the middle of the country was simple and fun! (We made impromptu stops at the Belize Zoo and the Art Box Artisans Market and Cafe in Belmopan.)
Coming to Belize was also financially and energetically feasible. It is easy to start with “I don’t have the money or time,” (we’ve certainly said this as small business owners), but when we looked at the numbers, it actually seemed possible to take a few days to broaden our horizons. Everyone's financial situation is unique, so it’s important to put all the numbers into the mix. Ask your financial partner for budgeting assistance, and ask your parenting partner about going solo for a few days… is it really something you can afford? We’ve both addressed this head-on, starting our businesses like all entrepreneurs do at some point. However traveling abroad, going to an event, or any other business expenses that would inspire you and project you forward… might be a few steps closer than you imagine.
There is luxury in simplicity.
Last night, we checked into a historic inn in Belize City as we transition back to reality. The property is lovely, with a pool, outdoor patios, water views, and all the modern amenities you’d expect. But showering here felt more like roughing it than in our room in the Shala House at Sattva, which uses solar-power water systems and drains into a dry rock bed. Our swim in the hotel pool (where the fake waterfall was off) felt paltry compared to floating in the natural (fish-filled) pool with three waterfalls at Sattva. The natural cross-breeze, changing nighttime temperatures, and air pressure instead of the constant blast of artificial air conditioning felt custom-tailored and comfortable. Being in the middle of the jungle and eating just-picked food is a luxury for most of us these days.
Food is better the closer to the land you are.
Melissa, the amazing chef at Sattva Land was in the kitchen breaking coconuts open with a machete yesterday to make coconut milk for coffee, which had just been collected from the coconut trees within yards of the building. When over breakfast, we commented to the General Manager, Sam, about the quality of the mango that morning. He told us it was “Big Mango,” one of the oldest trees on the property that likes to “show off” and produce fruit well past all of the other trees that ripen in June (this was an August mango.) The bright orangy-yellow eggs come from the chickens we passed on our way to the main building from our room. We can’t begin to describe how delicious everything was. Sure, science tells us that produce continues to lose nutrients the longer it is off the plant and the more commercial the farming practices… but we think Chef Melissa puts it most simply: “Come with a big appetite because this (kitchen) is where the magic happens.”
Put Your Sound Machine Away and Open the Windows
Emily has been tracking her sleep for five years, and her sleep received quantitatively the highest sleep score she has ever received (a 96 and a 94 the nights we were there). We went to bed easily and woke up naturally to sunlight, and bird calls as our alarm. The doors and windows were open, and a natural cross-breeze came through. The symphony of nighttime insect and animal sounds was only interrupted by the nightly rain storms rolling through. We know the benefits to the nervous system of being in nature, breathing higher quality air, and reducing (or, in our case, eliminating) electronic sounds. We heard no cars, trains, or airplanes all night, just the unimpeded sounds of the jungle. As if to drive home the point, Emily’s sleep took a 13-point hit in their room in Belize City; the dream is over…. for now.
Who You Partner With Matters
We considered some more modern and traditional resorts while planning our retreat thinking it might be easier or more convenient. We went with our instincts and chose Sattva. Denver said after our first call with them, “It just feels right.” We were 100% validated in our decision to go with a family-owned small business. We met three generations of Sattva family members on our trip, each with unique perspectives and expertise. They have all advocated for their visions for the business over the years (generation three- age 5 and 2 - is particularly interested in the popsicle-making coming this winter). Founding member and second-generation Guraffalo, Giulia, champions their regenerative farming and agroforestry practices. Her passion and emotion when discussing what it means for them to be an eco-retreat center were palpable. She has evolved and grown as a human, business owner, farmer, partner, mother, sibling, and child in her decade at the retreat center, but her care for the land is clear. She will honor past generations’ work and preserve it for future ones… all while she nurtures her family and guests from the land.
We worked SO HARD together over the last few days, capturing content, solving for everything our guests might need, and planning our programming. We were both excited and nervous about planning an international retreat and partnering with someone else to do it. But everything has unfolded with such joy and ease. We are mutually inspired, uplifted, and motivated by one another. We’ve both gotten misty-eyed talking about our gratitude for this opportunity.
We are thrilled to bring the vision for Entreprenew to life for other yoga professionals. Having this space to learn, grow, and recharge together has already been transformative for us as co-facilitators. We cannot begin to imagine how powerful we will all be as a group. Changing your scenery and perspective, getting out of your comfort zone, and yes, traveling internationally are essential to broaden your perspective personally and professionally.
If you’re interested in joining us on this amazing journey, you can learn more about our inaugural Entreprenew Yoga Professionals Retreat happening at the stunning Sattva-Land Retreat Center from February 6-11, 2025, and make your deposit to join the trip on the landing page.