you deserve to feel supported too

  • Inspire.

    This free list of themes for yoga teachers by category from props to philosophy and more will help you build an unforgettable experience for your students.

    For more tools like this, check out our 12-hour Advanced Teaching Skills online course here.

  • Play.

    This 10 Page download includes 6 complete lesson plans for ages 3-10 with instructions and notes, along with a list of 26 more incredible themes for your kid’s yoga classes!

    For our self-paced Kids Yoga CEU course, or our full 95-Hour Yoga Alliance Accredited Training, visit our online classroom here.

  • Connect.

    This original 17-minute guided meditation provides language to settle students into their bodies and paint a picture of autumn through imagery and the 5 senses.

    This script guides the student through a magical Autum wood, where they can let go of thoughts, emotions & sensations that no longer serve them and settle into the warmth and comfort within. You can listen to this meditation, narrated by the author here.